Charm is not caring

The audience likes characters who don’t care much. They’re sexy.

Think of Humphrey Bogart or John Wayne or Harrison Ford. They’re wry and world-weary. They’ve seen it all, and they can’t be bothered to give a shit anymore.

By contrast, think of Victor Lazlow and Jimmy Stewart and Luke Skywalker. The earnest do-gooders and heroes. They care passionately… and for some reason, that’s a huge turnoff. Luke Skywalker, however beloved, is not as sexy or charming as Han Solo.

So, wait, let me get this straight. I drove to the movie theater (yes I still do that), paid $18 for a ticket, set aside two or three hours, and then for some reason, I instinctively prefer the character who rolls his eyes at the story I’ve come to see. It’s like going to a baseball game because you love the hecklers.

But it makes sense. The cynical character is relatable. The hero is not. The cynic has time for fun and humor. The hero is too obsessed with his quest.

So charm is about not caring much. It’s about holding life at a distance, the better to laugh at it.


Beautiful women on a screen


Seriously Unserious